Wednesday, December 19, 2007

FEATURE: Holistic Parenting From The Pan-Afrikan Iya Raet

Our first feature is one that I personally was excited about being that I am a devoted mother of two very beautiful African daughters. This author is one that has been long awaited by many African/Black mothers who strive to raise socially conscious children in a healthy and peaceful home/ family environment in spite of the chaos that dwells beyond our doors..... if you have not read this book and you have children... you need to get it right away
......... Zekita

Holistic Parenting From The Pan - Afrikan Perspective by Iya Raet

Holistic Parenting From the Pan-Afrikan Perspective (Published in 2007 by KHABOOKS, a division of UBUS Communications Systems) is a guide for Afrikan families to have the confidence to parent in their own divine image. Many traditional Afrikan societies prepare for children before conception takes place. The community has a vested interest in every child. Rites of passage rituals prepare Afrikan societies for parenthood, conception, birth, postpartum, and beyond. Holistic Parenting from the Pan-Afrikan Perspective celebrates many traditional Afrikan parenting concepts and explores their benefits for Afrikans living in the Diaspora.

Topics discussed include:

* Traditional Midwifery* Pregnancy and Childbirth Rituals* Baby Wearing* African Medicinal Herbalism* Rites of Passage* Afrikan Traditional Baby-Sitting * Homebirth* Breastfeeding* Cloth Diapering* Nutrition* Circumcision* Vaccinations* Home Schooling* Toxic -Free Home* And much more.......

Holistic Parenting From The Pan-Afrikan Perspective (Published in 2007 by KHABOOKS, a division of UBUS Communications Systems) reminds parents to ground themselves and place their feet upon the earth's soil gain. This re-established connection allows intuitive thinking, so parents can make better decisions.


Iya is the Yoruba word for mother. Raet is a Kemitic (Ancient Egyptian) goddess. She is the feminine manifestation of the god Ra, who is the creator. Raet represents the feminine life force. Iya Raet means mother creator or femine life force. Iya Raet's holistic journey began in 2000 after polyps were removed from her colon. She later read Queen Afua's Sacred Women. This gave her the motivation to accept the vegan diet cold turkey and become the earth mother healer she was destined to be. When her son was conceived she began preparing for a holistic pregnancy and homebirth. After reading many books she discovered none of them represented the Afrikan woman. Shortly, after her son was born at home, she began training with the Doulas of North America to become a doula. Iya Raet also joined the Philadelphia Alliance of Labor Support. Doula is a Greek word meaning women care giver or woman's servant. A doula is a birth attendant or labor assistant that supports women during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. Doulas help parents achieve the birth they desire in a hospital, birth center, or home environment. They can especially be a great advocate in a hospital environment. This support addresses the family's physical and emotional needs. Doulas let women know they have choices. They encourage women to find their voice, at one of the most memorable times of their lives. Iya Raet's doula work showed her once again that holistic birth and parenting was not reaching the Afrikan community in large numbers. She began provided complimentary doula services to low-income families. In 2006 she decided to write her own book, Holistic Parenting from the Pan - Afrikan Perspective. She believes families have a divine right to bring life into the world in a way which is healthy. Iya Raet is committed to helping mothers tap into their divine mother instincts so birth and motherhood is uplifting.

To Learn More About Iya Raet's Services and please visit:

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